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by Chris Scott, Keith Carter, Edward de la Billi�re
The Pennine Way, Britain�s best-known National Trail, winds for 256 miles (412km) over wild more.

by A Wainwright
The main difficulties of travellers on the Pennine Way are concerned not with the nature of the more.

by Paddy Dillon
An essential guide for those planning to walk The Pennine Way National Trail, from Edale in more.

by Richard Pulk
36 years after a first failed attempt to walk the famous Pennine Way, Richard Pulk pulled on his more.

by Tony Hopkins
This is the South edition of a two volume guide. Written and published in association with the more.

ThePennineWay Suggestions
In order to be sufficiently familiar with every stride of the Pennine Way to write a modern guide book for a competitive market you have to be a hard man or woman of the hills and the backpacking trails. Our choices are all high quality products. Used, as they are meant to be used, with assistance from compass and/or GPS and large-scale maps, they will all see you safely along your way. Terry Marsh is an inspired and poetic companion, in tune with the spiritual qualities of the countryside. Hopkins provides the kind of detailed technical support you need at the tougher moments, when you're tired and in need of precise guidance. In the new edition Cicerone guide, with its Ordnance Survey mapping and its neat tough packaging, Martin Collins has tightened up his presentation. The personal commentary is there, with its flow of background information, but you can also quickly identify his route-finding instructions. It's up-to-date and it's an excellent addition to your packing.
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